Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /home/marineaqua/ on line 31

Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /home/marineaqua/ on line 18

Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /home/marineaqua/ on line 30

Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /home/marineaqua/ on line 67

Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /home/marineaqua/ on line 69

Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /home/marineaqua/ on line 71

Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /home/marineaqua/ on line 18

Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /home/marineaqua/ on line 30

Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /home/marineaqua/ on line 67

Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /home/marineaqua/ on line 69

Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /home/marineaqua/ on line 71

Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /home/marineaqua/ on line 71

Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /home/marineaqua/ on line 137

Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /home/marineaqua/ on line 139

Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /home/marineaqua/ on line 71

Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /home/marineaqua/ on line 137

Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /home/marineaqua/ on line 139
Мелкополипные кораллы : Acropora Millipora Желто-зеленая, размер М

Фильтр товаров

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableVmusers::$_cache as non static in /home/marineaqua/ on line 59

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableVmusers::$_query_cache as non static in /home/marineaqua/ on line 60

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableVmusers::$_cache as non static in /home/marineaqua/ on line 59

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableVmusers::$_query_cache as non static in /home/marineaqua/ on line 60

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableVmuser_shoppergroups::$_cache as non static in /home/marineaqua/ on line 59

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableVmuser_shoppergroups::$_query_cache as non static in /home/marineaqua/ on line 60

Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /home/marineaqua/ on line 122

Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /home/marineaqua/ on line 32
  • (28)
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Strict Standards: Non-static method mod_virtuemart_product::getfulladdProductToRecent() should not be called statically in /home/marineaqua/ on line 118

Strict Standards: Non-static method mod_virtuemart_product::fulladdProductToRecent() should not be called statically in /home/marineaqua/ on line 119

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableProducts::$_cache as non static in /home/marineaqua/ on line 59

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableProducts::$_query_cache as non static in /home/marineaqua/ on line 60

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableProducts::$_cache as non static in /home/marineaqua/ on line 59

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableProducts::$_query_cache as non static in /home/marineaqua/ on line 60

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableProduct_medias::$_cache as non static in /home/marineaqua/ on line 59

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableProduct_medias::$_query_cache as non static in /home/marineaqua/ on line 60

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableVmusers::$_cache as non static in /home/marineaqua/ on line 59

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableVmusers::$_query_cache as non static in /home/marineaqua/ on line 60

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableVmusers::$_cache as non static in /home/marineaqua/ on line 59

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableVmusers::$_query_cache as non static in /home/marineaqua/ on line 60

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableVmuser_shoppergroups::$_cache as non static in /home/marineaqua/ on line 59

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableVmuser_shoppergroups::$_query_cache as non static in /home/marineaqua/ on line 60

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableShoppergroups::$_cache as non static in /home/marineaqua/ on line 59

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableShoppergroups::$_query_cache as non static in /home/marineaqua/ on line 60

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableManufacturers::$_cache as non static in /home/marineaqua/ on line 59

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableManufacturers::$_query_cache as non static in /home/marineaqua/ on line 60

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableCategories::$_cache as non static in /home/marineaqua/ on line 59

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableCategories::$_query_cache as non static in /home/marineaqua/ on line 60

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableProduct_customfields::$_cache as non static in /home/marineaqua/ on line 59

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableProduct_customfields::$_query_cache as non static in /home/marineaqua/ on line 60

Strict Standards: Declaration of JParameter::loadSetupFile() should be compatible with that of JRegistry::loadSetupFile() in /home/marineaqua/ on line 512

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableMedias::$_cache as non static in /home/marineaqua/ on line 59

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableMedias::$_query_cache as non static in /home/marineaqua/ on line 60

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableMedias::$_cache as non static in /home/marineaqua/ on line 59

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableMedias::$_query_cache as non static in /home/marineaqua/ on line 60

Strict Standards: Declaration of VirtueMartModelMedia::store() should be compatible with that of VmModel::store() in /home/marineaqua/ on line 392

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableMedias::$_cache as non static in /home/marineaqua/ on line 59

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableMedias::$_query_cache as non static in /home/marineaqua/ on line 60

Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /home/marineaqua/ on line 80

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableMedias::$_cache as non static in /home/marineaqua/ on line 59

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableMedias::$_query_cache as non static in /home/marineaqua/ on line 60

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableCategories::$_cache as non static in /home/marineaqua/ on line 59

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableCategories::$_query_cache as non static in /home/marineaqua/ on line 60

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableCategories::$_cache as non static in /home/marineaqua/ on line 59

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableCategories::$_query_cache as non static in /home/marineaqua/ on line 60

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableCategory_medias::$_cache as non static in /home/marineaqua/ on line 59

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableCategory_medias::$_query_cache as non static in /home/marineaqua/ on line 60

Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /home/marineaqua/ on line 80

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableMedias::$_cache as non static in /home/marineaqua/ on line 59

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableMedias::$_query_cache as non static in /home/marineaqua/ on line 60

Strict Standards: is_a(): Deprecated. Please use the instanceof operator in /home/marineaqua/ on line 501

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableRatings::$_cache as non static in /home/marineaqua/ on line 59

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableRatings::$_query_cache as non static in /home/marineaqua/ on line 60

Acropora Millipora Желто-зеленая, размер М

Цена: 3200 руб
Нет в наличии
Вес товара с упаковкой (кг) 1.0000

Освещение: Обязательно нужно яркое освещение.

Корм и кормление: Зооксантелла, для хорошего роста нужен микропланктон или мелкие твердые органические частицы.

Уровень пригодности для содержания в аквариуме/совместимость с рифовыми аквариумами: Этим кораллам нужен стабильный «зрелый» аквариум с отличным качеством воды, а пространство должно позволять им расти.

Содержание в неволе: Это кораллы не для начинающих. Им нужно сильное, часто пульсирующее, течение, чтобы предотвратить рецессию тканей у основания ветвей, вкупе с очень хорошим качеством воды. В аквариумах даже с умеренным уровнем питательных веществ они обычно становятся коричневыми. Естественная способность к развитию из фрагментов делает возможным аква-культивирование. Такое потомство прошло физиологическую адаптацию к неволе и выживает намного лучше, чем пойманные дикие особи. В разных аквариумах формы роста у многих из этих кораллов разные.


Strict Standards: Accessing static property TablePaymentmethods::$_cache as non static in /home/marineaqua/ on line 59

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TablePaymentmethods::$_query_cache as non static in /home/marineaqua/ on line 60

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TablePaymentmethods::$_cache as non static in /home/marineaqua/ on line 59

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TablePaymentmethods::$_query_cache as non static in /home/marineaqua/ on line 60

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TablePaymentmethods::$_cache as non static in /home/marineaqua/ on line 59

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TablePaymentmethods::$_query_cache as non static in /home/marineaqua/ on line 60

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TablePaymentmethods::$_cache as non static in /home/marineaqua/ on line 59

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TablePaymentmethods::$_query_cache as non static in /home/marineaqua/ on line 60
Корзина пуста
